Brain Cancer Needs Breakthroughs

The Facts

Survival rates for adult and pediatric patients with brain tumors have not changed significantly over the past 45 years despite major improvements made in the treatment of other cancers (source).

Pediatric cancer is rare compared to adult cancer, and subsequently it is not profitable for biotech or big pharma to invest in pediatric cancer. While pediatric cancer is rare, children have the most to lose.

Brain tumors that occur in infants and children are very different from adult brain tumors, both in terms of the type of cells and the responsiveness to treatment. This means that pediatric brain tumors require their own research. While pediatric cancer investment from the National Cancer Institute has been on the rise, only 8% of the budget is allocated to ALL pediatric cancers with only a fraction of that supporting pediatric brain tumor research.

NIH RePORT Categorical Spending (RCDC) NCI – Pediatric Cancer Category

How You Can Help


Without adequate support from the government and private sector, progress against pediatric brain cancer will only happen through private philanthropy.

For your next birthday, anniversary, or major life event please consider activating your network for donations to organizations that are focused on addressing pediatric brain cancer such as:


Reach out to your elected officials via phone and email to urge them to prioritize legislation that benefits pediatric cancer.

The Children’s Cancer Cause Action Center makes it easy to see relevant legislation and includes embedded forms that makes it easy to send a message to your elected officials (please call them as well!).